

Address information

Federower Weg
17192 Waren/Müritz

Lat: 53.502834 / Long: 12.702502
Google mapsOpenStreetMap (fiets)


FKK lake swimming


  • London 708 Miles / 11:39


  • Only for day recreation


  • Lake
  • Suitable for swimming
  • Accessible by car
  • Accessible by bike
  • Accessible by public transportation

Photos from visitors

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Feisnecksee

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This is a lovely small lake, close to Waren (easy walking distance) yet very quiet compared with Müritz. A walk right round the lake takes a couple of hours, and you might see grass snakes, deer, amphibians, and many types of birds.

The edge of the lake closest to Waren centre is the busiest, and there are many families on the sandy beach. If you continue clockwise round the lake on the path that stays close to the shore, you reach a secion with grassy areas where you can sunbathe, and there are several entrances to the water for swimming. You will have to push past reeds at the water's edge. The grassy areas have some thistles - you'll need a blanket to be comfortable.

Here is where people strip off to sunbathe and swim naked. I am not sure how official it is, but it seems to be tolerated - there were several people naked when we visited.
Danny D | 21-03-2019
More reviews by Danny D (18)

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