
Leysdown East

Address information

Leysdown East

Lat: 51.377518 / Long: 0.948577
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  • London 59 Miles / 01:27

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Leysdown East

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Known locally as Shellness naturist beach, this beach is an officially recognized naturist beach.
The beach itself is made up of sand and shells. The dunes offer some protection from the wind. A good mix of male and female users. Free parking 100ft away. No facilities on the beach, although a refreshment shop has opened nearby (3 mins by car).
The water is tidal and the bed is soft mud. The water tends to be quite warm and at high tide gives you a good hour of swimming. Very friendly regular users and as the beach is at the very east of the island, you don't get any passing trouble. Overall, if it's your first time trying the nude beach scene, then this ones for you. You will be made to feel most welcome
Ian Clarke | 27-05-2020

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