
Brediusbad / openluchtzwembad


Average rating from last 2 reviews

This location is no longer for FKK/naturists

Address information

Brediusbad / openluchtzwembad
Spaarndammerdijk 306
1013 ZX Amsterdam

Lat: 52.392699 / Long: 4.868162
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Opinions and experiences of visitors with Brediusbad / openluchtzwembad

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Addition to the review: naked swimming is possible every TUESDAY and THURSDAY, 7-9 AM. About half of the swimmers are fully naked, sometimes even a majority, men and women. Just join us!
Cornelius | 04-07-2018
More reviews by Cornelius (7)
A review in English is useful, as there is a hotel (WestCord Art) with lots of foreign guests directly connected to this open air pool in Amsterdam. When the open air pool is open, in summer months, it is good to know that the early morning hours (7-9 AM) some days in the week allow clothesfree swimming. You may see this from your hotel room or breakfast table but you may also join this event, as a hotel guest entrance is free when you ask for a voucher at the reception desk. You just need a towel, you can take off everything at the pool and walk, shower and swim fully naked, in the pretty fresh water. That's really liberating and a great way to start the day. We go there often and have convinced hotel guests to undress completely and they all were extremely happy they did and could overcome shame and inhibitions. It's wonderful to be so free, totally nude among clothed people and admired by other guests. So, next summer staying at the hotel, ask for the early morning nude swimming hours and if you're lucky you can join us and have a great naked experience!
Cornelius | 14-02-2018
More reviews by Cornelius (7)

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