
Castillon de Provence: Camping-Bungalow Parc Naturiste


Average rating from last 2 reviews

This location is no longer for FKK/naturists

Address information

Castillon de Provence: Camping-Bungalow Parc Naturiste
La Grande Terre, La Baume
04120 Castellane
033 (0) 492 83 64 24
Lat: 43.885707 / Long: 6.514635
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Photos from visitors

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Castillon de Provence: Camping-Bungalow Parc Naturiste

We are also curious about your experiences with Castillon de Provence: Camping-Bungalow Parc Naturiste. Please let us know!
My wife and I spent a week at Castillon de Provence in August 2015. We had an amazing time there. We rented the Mobilhome Oxygene, which is one of the smaller mobilehomes (with a toilet, but without shower). The kitchen was well equipped and it was the perfect size for us. The washroom area was only a short walk away, where you could take a shower while looking at the amazing mountain scenery at the same time. Loved it!

The only thing we didn't like in the mobilehome was that the blankets were very thin and if we didn't have our sleeping bag with us we would have been cold for sure (although the mobilehome had heating so wouldn't have been the end of the world).

The lake was wonderful! It was not too cold and it had this amazing turquoise colour. You can walk there (naked) in about 15 min. Another thing that we very much appreciated was the free activities organized (if I am correct they only have them in July and August). Every morning they had "gym" and aqua-gym classes with a trainer changing the exercises every day. Also, they organized kayaking and canoeing classes and many other activities. As we like to do a lot of sports during our holiday we had a blast.

If I had to say something negative, I would say that we found the pool very cold, even too cold for the aqua-gym. Although it was not a big deal as we were swimming in the lake most of the time anyway.

The whole atmosphere was great and very welcoming. We had a very good experience and will definitely be back.
John | 04-06-2016
More reviews by John (4)
Unser erster Naturistenurlaub in Frankreich.
Das von uns gemietete Mobilheim entsprach der Beschreibung und unseren Erwartungen. Es ist grundsätzlich möglich überall nackt zu sein. Auch im Shop und im Restaurant/Bar. Wegen der hohen Lage auf 1000m NN ist es gegen abend auch im Sommer kühler.
Mittlerer Pool der besonders gut für kleinere Kinder geeignet ist. Für Schwimmer empfiehlt sich der Weg zum Stausee unterhalb des Platzes. Ca. 20min zu Fuß. Wegen der Insellage muß man zur Badestelle keine Sachen anziehen.

Schöner Ausgangspunkt für Wanderungen. Die nahegelegende Verdonschlucht bietet noch weitere Wandermöglichkeiten und auch Raftingfans kommen hier auf ihre Kosten.
Reservierung in der Hauptsaison dringend erforderlich. Wir werden bestimmt nochmal hinfahren.
Holger | 26-08-2010
More reviews by Holger (6)

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