
Las Vegas Naturists


Average rating from last 7 reviews

Address information

Las Vegas Naturists
NV 89129 Las Vegas
(702) 658-9444

Lat: 36.169090 / Long: -115.140580
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Las Vegas Naturists is a non profit club for local nudist couples. Our 70 foot swimming pool is perfect for playing water volleyball and working on your all over tan. With the nice weather in Vegas it is easy to have events all year long. Our attention to clean wholesome fun has made us the biggest Nudist club in Las Vegas. At Las Vegas Naturists the guest always comes first, and we constantly strive to exceed your expectations! With our wide range of recreational activities, you’re sure to find a relaxing experience for the nudist couple.


  • Open all year


  • Clothing optional


  • Fridge / freezer for communal use
  • Swimming pool


  • Organized activities for adults


  • English spoken
  • French spoken

Photos from visitors

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Las Vegas Naturists

We are also curious about your experiences with Las Vegas Naturists. Please let us know!
Fantastic! Wife and I loved it! Enjoyed the sun, water volleyball, and all the nice people!

Highly recommend a visit!
Love the pool!
Mark & Lisa | 22-06-2023
Photos (1)
9-21-2019, another GREAT Party at Hardy`S Las Vegas Naturists. Lot`s of SWEET people , great food, and lot of FUN WATER VOLLEYBALL (10 on 10) Good thing Hardy has a BIG POOL ! My wife and I live in Las Vegas and we have been going to these parties all summer. Note, if you read a Bad review on the Las Vegas Naturists, it is BS written by a very unhappy person !
Thanks again Hardy !
Nadine and Gary
garyand nadine giudicessi | 22-09-2019
I've been attending events at this club for years now. As with any other club there are always people who will leave a review because they could just not conform to the rules of Hardy's club. Be it known Hardy has very few rules. It's an Adult club with Adult rules which are simple common sense. Be respectful of others and have a good time. It's impossible not to have a good time there unless you're just a jerk or unhappy with yourself. Hardy is an amazing Host who goes out of his way to accomodate each and every guest each and every event. He's one of the nicest Human beings on this planet and its rare to find a man who cares more about his friends then himself. He opens his home to anyone who can be respectful of himself and others and that's just plain common sense. If you haven't been to the Club I would highly suggest trying it just once. Get past the screening process which is simple if you can be respectful of others and I guarentee it will be life changing and something you will look forward to every weekend. Las Vegas Naturists Club is a beautiful, non-judgmental Paradise with like minded folks like us. By the way the Pot Luck Saturday's are deelish!!!! So come on by say Hi to your friends and enjoy this beautiful'll forget your in Las Vegas!!!
Kevin | 03-08-2019
Great Place!!!!!
Mike Nunes | 30-06-2019
Most fun in Vegas! The pool volleyball games are a blast the party is fun and mellow with good music and a friendly crowd of happy people.
My wife loves to get there a little early to lay in the hammock and watch the hummingbirds and chipmunks under a beautiful shade tree.
We love the place and try to make it every Saturday. The prefect way to end a tough workweek.
D & V | 12-06-2018
I have been going to Las Vegas Naturists' events and Hardy's home off and on for over 4 years. The people are nice, the potluck food is great, and I love the salt water main pool! Every year he keeps adding to the ambiance of the backyard. Now there are tarps to shade the pool and seating areas and an above-ground jacuzzi that seats 10 people.
As a single woman I feel safe and welcome there.
Jules | 21-05-2018
Awesome good times here.
Steve Ritter | 05-05-2018
Awesome people, great water volleyball!!!!!!!
Hardy | 20-08-2016
Nice people, great volleyball!????
Elysa K. | 18-08-2016
This is a "Couple's club" For local Las Vegas Naturists.
It is on a private estate and you have to be interviewed to be able to join the fun and be invited to their events.
The swimming pool is 70 feet long and has three areas, a water volleyball court, a high diving board, and a "social pit" swim in area.
The main draw is water volleyball, the court is flat and has shade over the pool. If you are not playing, you are watching the games. With 9 on 9 players the games are very fun. They have two outdoors restrooms and three outdoors showers. With lots of shad, lots of sun and a lot of pool, this is the best game in town.
Doc | 18-08-2016

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