
Charco del Palo


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Address information

Charco del Palo
Charco del Palo / Lanzarote

Lat: 29.084944 / Long: -13.449192
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Opinions and experiences of visitors with Charco del Palo

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Amazing location, very friendly people and a great place to wonder freely.

There’s an incredible new villa located right on the beach over looking the natural swimming pools.
Josh | 05-04-2023
(Public sea pool and cliffs/walks only. Not accommodation.
Charco Del Palo seems to be a place that engenders a great deal of love from the people that like it and seemingly keep returning year after year. We had a couple of half days there recently and I have got to say we were somewhat underwhelmed. The village contains some lovely properties and I freely admit it was not an unpleasant feeling wandering around the streets with just my sand shoes on.
The sea pool and terraces are in need of some TLC, the slope into the pool is very slippery even with a grab would not pass health and safety in the U.K...but it a pleasant swim with the seawater being constantly refreshed through sluice holes and numerous fish swimming around. A couple of lorry loads of sand would make a tremendous difference to the degree of comfort on the is very hard and uncomfortable on bare skin...and...dare I say it, a toilet would make the biggest difference both to people’s comfort and to the numerous pieces of a certain type of litter scattered on the hills surrounding.
To make improvements obviously finance is involved and that is where I don’t understand the mechanics of exactly who owns it and who is responsible for maintenance especially if there is an accident.
We gave it 3 stars, never feeling quite comfortable there. We moved on to the isolated but lovely beaches just south of Orzola where naturism is accepted but unofficial...the sand and rock holes are perfect for a quiet few hours but the sea is just for admiring beyond the jagged lava foreshore.
Crinkly63 | 26-11-2019
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