
Naturbad Trautenstein

Address information

Naturbad Trautenstein
38899 Hasselfelde

Lat: 51.676178 / Long: 10.780318
Google mapsOpenStreetMap (fiets)


Natural lido


  • London 569 Miles / 09:46


  • Public access


  • Recreational swimming
  • Outdoor swimming pool

Photos from visitors

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Naturbad Trautenstein

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This is a heavenly place. A natural pool just outside a pretty village close to the Harz Mountains. When we visited, the pool was being managed by the village and there was a function room close by. But I think there was some uncertainty about whether the pool would continue to be looked after.

To find it, you must take a path that branches left off Tannerstrasse a s you leave the village. The pool is down another short path to the left. There is a diving stage and places to sit around the edges. It is the most peaceful place you can imagine.

It is not officially FKK, but if you have it to yourself - which is likely outside peak times - there's no problem stripping off.
Danny D | 18-03-2019
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