
La Jenny: Parc Résidentiel Naturiste

Address information

La Jenny: Parc Résidentiel Naturiste
Route de la Jenny
33680 Le Porge
+33 (0)5 56 26 56 90

Lat: 44.847593 / Long: -1.213130
Google mapsOpenStreetMap (fiets)


  • London 678 Miles / 11:04


  • Number of accommodation with individual sanitary integrate (shower, washbasin, toilet): 756 Châlets
  • Kitchen


  • Sauna
  • Swimming pool
  • Children's swimming pool


  • Organized activities for children
  • Organized activities for adults


  • Dutch spoken
  • English spoken
  • German spoken
  • French spoken
  • Suitable for children

Opinions and experiences of visitors with La Jenny: Parc Résidentiel Naturiste

We are also curious about your experiences with La Jenny: Parc Résidentiel Naturiste. Please let us know!
Not a naturist resort anymore. Its June, its 28 Degrees and everyone is dressed for a trip to the arctic. This is NOT a naturist campsite. It is an average, tired looking campsite in need of a revamp, where naturism is just about tolerated. Even the naturist beach is about 60% clothed.

"We Live Here Naked" the motto says.

All lies.
Juliene Bythe | 04-07-2024
An excellent family holiday environment. La Jenny will always remain a favourite place to be..
Tony and Maisie | 06-12-2008

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