
Pines Outdoor Club

Address information

Pines Outdoor Club
Forest of Dean
07554 543841

Lat: 51.870434 / Long: -2.438131
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Members are welcome to bring guests, but unfortunately we cannot accommodate day visits or camping for individuals unless accompanied by a member. We do however sometimes welcome other naturist clubs or groups.


  • London 123 Miles / 02:22

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Pines Outdoor Club

We are also curious about your experiences with Pines Outdoor Club. Please let us know!
I recently inquired about joining Pines, after much chasing and a near 10-day wait I finally got a call from their "membership secretary" that was more of a how dare you apply to join, however, I plodded on and jumped through their membership form hoop and sent it back by email. 12 days later I had to chase for confirmation they'd received it and in reply got a very snotty answer from their "membership secretary" who really shouldn't be doing the job if they can't check and reply to emails for max 30 minutes a week. Don't bother inquiring about a day visit either, despite them being available according to their website, they can't handle them due to "logistical difficulties"

All in all a very unfriendly and unwelcoming introduction to a club that was asking in local papers for members.
Paul | 18-07-2022
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