
Le Village du Bosc

Address information

Le Village du Bosc
Chemin de Ricazouls
F-34800 Octon
+33(0)467 960 737

Lat: 43.660141 / Long: 3.320832
Google mapsOpenStreetMap (fiets)


  • London 726 Miles / 11:32


  • 1 April until 3 October


  • No INF / AANR card required
  • Area (ha): 80
  • Number of places: 80
  • Rental accommodations
  • Cars on separate parking
  • Internet
  • Adapted toilets for disabled


  • Swimming pool
  • Children's swimming pool

Food & Drink

  • Restaurant
  • Shop
  • Fresh bread for sale


  • Organized activities for children
  • Organized activities for adults


  • Pets allowed

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Le Village du Bosc

We are also curious about your experiences with Le Village du Bosc. Please let us know!
So pleased to be here again after 2 years. Many improvements to the facilities, and this is the first place I have ever seen, Anywhere! where sanitizer is now installed in the loos and washcloths added to the washing sinks. Someone has spent a lot of time refitting these facilities to the highest standards. The Charming Natalie is a great host, even arranging for their skilled hairdresser, Violet, to visit especially and make this hairy old gent look respectable again (after 3 months on the road). Great walks, but wear boots (if nothing else, and especially for the Green Trail) and take your time to discover this fabulous part of the world. I now regrettably travel alone but received the most welcoming of receptions not always availed to single widower travellers. The INF card helps, but not essentially here. I wanted to buy substantial quantities of wine to take home but found the local Caves have restricted opening times, so more planning is required next time. Next time?? of course! This is on my personal list of places to visit every time I travel in southern Europe, and my motorhome is of a size that can get on to the site easily....big twin axle monsters might find the access and pitches require survey and planning, but, hey they are used to that. And it was Hot! Blimey 34 deg in June 2017, phew. But the walks are mostly shaded, and the pitches are frequently wooded, and the pool and other facilities respect the beating sun. The site is bigger than it seems at first with terraces stretching way up into the hillside. But I am stunned by the sign at the entrance to the 'Le Chemin de Monique' [Monique's trail] (yellow walk) "La vie n'a qu'un temps mais le souvenir est eternal"....[ Life is only time but the memories are eternal]. The local village, Octon, is the most laid back place in France, so treat it with respect, smile, be nice, spend a little money, buy the bread and fruit in the shop, have a coffee in the square (€1.30) and don't tell too many others... they might ruin it all.
So I need to spend more time here, learning about the site and area, much to discover. Back again soon and looking forward to it!
Malcolm | 19-06-2017
Free Wi Fi now up and running.
This is a pretty,slightly rustic terraced site with friendly staff, no light pollution, very quiet, and with some thoughtful homely touches from the owners. It has excellent toilet and shower facilities and a pleasant 20m pool. We took a 35k bike ride around the lake nearby, passing through local small towns which was absolutely stunning. The architecture and the whole area being totally unspoiled.
Great walking and Mountain biking everywhere.
We participated in the communal meal at 15e all included. The company was great and so was the aperitif served in a bucket. Food no so brilliant though.
Terry & Val | 31-08-2016
With my wife we spent one week in the Village du Bosc in June 2016. We rented one of the bigger mobile homes (the ones for 4 people). It was really comfortable for the 2 of us. The camping had an older clientele, mostly Dutch, and naturist values were well respected. One of the best things was the large number of naturist hiking trails around the camping. You could hike for 1.5 – 3 hours (on each trail) without ever meeting anybody and the views were truly amazing (especially on the Green Trail). The atmosphere of the camping was relaxed and peaceful, which was a big plus for us. And yes, the ground everywhere is red, giving the place a unique feel.

The lake is a short drive away (you can even hike there if you want, but clothed unfortunately). At the beach of Celles, naturism is tolerated as one goes farther away from the small village. We tried it once, but left after a short time, as we felt uncomfortable with textiles passing through and by some weird single men around. Maybe we were just unlucky or chose a wrong spot. We were told that naturism is also tolerated at the other side of the lake, on the peninsula. It might be better there.

We were very happy with the camping, we really felt close to nature, without any civilization close by. The only negative could be that the Wi-Fi never seems to work. However, it might be a positive thing for some, I don’t even remember when I was completely offline for a full week the last time. Overall, I can strongly recommend Village du Bosc, we will definitely be back.
John | 26-07-2016
More reviews by John (4)
a very nice place
thom | 09-04-2010

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