
Naturistencamping die neue zeit Sitzberg


Average rating from last 2 reviews

Address information

Naturistencamping die neue zeit Sitzberg
Hofstetten 958 / Sitzbergstrasse
CH-8488 Turbenthal
++41/(0)52 385 11 16

Lat: 47.423781 / Long: 8.895975
Google mapsOpenStreetMap (fiets)

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Naturistencamping die neue zeit Sitzberg

We are also curious about your experiences with Naturistencamping die neue zeit Sitzberg. Please let us know!
A very quiet and beautyful place sourrounded by the forest and hills, where you can the swiss alps at the horizon
Philipp | 13-11-2013
50% textiles, 100% below the age of 40
Marko | 31-07-2009

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